Hohenfels, Germany


I Was There !

I was stationed in Delta Battery 6-60 in Hohenfels. We used to go to 'B'Town, Burglengenfeld, to the Western Bar, where my friends and I educated Herr Phaff, the owner, to the value of the American dollar.

Since then he has become a millionaire, and moved on to bigger and better clubs. I and my friends Gus the Greek, Ron Bibleheimer, the clerk, and "Don't touch me" MacDonald, used to go there and we always had a table reserved. We listened to the DeeJay play the current tunes, "Soul Man", "Leaving on a Jet Plane", Mama's & Papa's, while having a Yak (cognac) attack, and drinking bier.

Hohenfels is in a beautiful part of Germany, small and picturesque with unique towns around it.



Going Home-Parsberg Special

< Kalmunz


Before we left for a night in B-Town>

Just Leaving for B-Town. This was on Hohenfels, my car in the back ground, we were getting ready to go to B-Town.

We didn't know what we were getting into.
Can You Say: Boy Scouts ?

My Home Away from Home

Click on any of the pictures above for a larger view. After viewing click your back button to return.

Going On-Site

Blast Off !


Burglengenfeld September '99

This statue of St.George slaying the Dragon is in the church at Weltenberg. Weltenberg is a Monastery.
They make good beer here !
B-Town Hauptstrasse

Burglengenfeld 1967

Sunday coffee and donuts at HohenfelsUSO Club

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Last Updated 10/5/2001

Visits: 28430